Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Eli is home sick.  This is Day #2 but I think he is getting better.  I can usually tell that he is improving when he wants to run around the house and get into everything!  We have played in the pictures, sorted his food in the pantry, played with the cat’s food.  Tomorrow, he will see the ENT since he has had 4 ear infections since November.

While he is resting, I have the opportunity to revisit some of my favorite websites and covet the cute lil’ things on my wish list:

First up, Lululemon…oh how I love these bags and workout clothes.  I have been working out more since I got a membership to my university gym.  I love the new BlissBag.  It is sleek and cute!

I also love the design of the Namaste tank.

Finally, the Groove Pants are also really cute.

Since we are closing on a house later this month, I will resist the urge to buy these items.  Perhaps for my birthday or the beginning of next semester, I will treat myself to some nice new workout gear!  Well, Eli is up, so that is all for now.  Namaste.  ~JHC

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